
Friday, November 27, 2009


One year back the whole nation was stunned by what happened in Bombay. I was speechless and didn't know how to react... for a very long time. I was upset about everything. The day, the night, my life, people, the shootings, the films, the laughs and the smiles, the news channels, the regular channels, the cars, the religions.....EVERYTHING. I didn't know how to be, and what would be the right way to be. Where to be and what to do. To be outraged, or to be calm.
I didn't want to be stuck to the television and live off the news, but I didn't want to shut it either. I felt so far away from the incident even after living in the same city. My entire physical being started working on the healing process as soon as I found out that people are dying. I refused to be terrorized by these few people and I didn't want to let all the killings kill my insides. I couldn't breathe.... I couldn't breathe.....
Prayer meetings were being thought of before Bombay came back to it's 'normal' self. (whatever that is) The whole city was outraged. Everyone had an opinion to share, a point to make. Tempers' were flying for many days. And all I was thinking then that, if only people had reacted to the 11th July train blasts, maybe just maybe 26/11 could have been avoided. If only debates and marches had been as prominent then. If only the Government was smarter. If only our intelligence was 'intelligent'. If only those brave police men had proper resources. If only.... there are so many if's.
Bombay has a way of wiping off the dust and straightening up as soon as it falls. The people have always been resilient. Anyone who lives or moves to this city, learns to become a fighter. Bombay makes you strong. I know it did me. I think of last year and it gets hard for me to breathe again. I think many people feel the same... Many people who had been a part of last year's debacle are reliving the same moments again.
But the healing has begun and breathing is getting back to regular. We are moving on. We are moving on because that's what you do, that's how you live, that's what Bombay is.
I salute all the martyr's and pray for their families. And hope our Administration makes it safer to live in the wonderful city.

Friday, November 6, 2009

My First Blog.... :D

I do have a lot to say... But I don't talk much. I am known to be a quiet person, and I don't have a problem with that. Many people, however, seem to be uncomfortable with my hush presence. I had read in some celebrity's interview , who claims to be as quiet as I am, (notice how the celebrity is like me, not the other way round) that people around him got very weird around him because silences make people 'awkward'. I am a private person, and have a very intimate circle of friends who are like family. I take a while to open up and am very selective to whom I open up to. Having said that, if I am intoxicated its another story..... I embarrass myself and everyone around me with my volume and chatter. (note to self: I should blog when I am drunk as well.)
I decided to write a blog because I thought it might be a good idea to speak about issues, people, events etc. and hopefully improve my writing skills. I have been at home for many months without a job and I am battling with my mind everyday, trying to be patient with my self and with the profession that I love and deal with everyday. Writing of any sort, makes it easy to deal with many things. For me personally, it helps analyzing every situation I am in. I usually have resorted to writing when I am going through tough times. Which explains my wanting to start writing a blog :) However, I want to make it a continuous process. I want to be able to share, talk, love and hate through writing. So, that is the mission. To have the discipline of sticking to the blog.
I would like to find a particular topic to banter about. And I hope that after a few days it doesn't turn into 'Didn't do much today, I think I wanna sleep all day' sorta blog. I am hoping that I will find a way to have something meaningful to write about at least thrice a week. (I think I set the bar to high)
Ah well.... Here's to meaningful banter and personal growth.