
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Lights Will Guide You

Would it be too bold for me to say that I am ready to go, to leave, to die?
Would it be too scandalous to accept to the world that I am not scared or bothered by the thought that I may not exist tomorrow?

There is truth in the end. Is there anything more real and honest than death? There are answers at the end and I look forward to those. I have so many questions that need answers.
Ah, but if only death was that easy. If only life was simple. If only we had the power to chose how we leave this realm, to move into the 'higher state of being'.

Yes, I am scared of a slow and painful end. I am scared of disease, I am scared of mentally and physically deteriorating into a vegetable. And I am scared of the day when even getting out of bed would be a mission, and that day will come. I am scared of seeing my loved ones suffer, for I suffer watching them.
So in my attempt to keep feeling healthy and good, I keep making sure I am fine. I make sure I try to inspire my loved ones to be healthy too, I keep eating healthy, I exercise, I take on the challenges and keep at it, I do things that excite me and make me happy. Because happiness is the key to a healthy life... or so they say.
You sort of get the hang of living after a while, you find a way to forget the struggle in spurts of ecstatic moments, you read/hear stories about people who have overcome the hardest challenges and look at your comfortable life and think sheepishly 'You're so fuckin lucky'.
You live.
That's what you are here to do.
Live. Do your best at living.
Get the best at what you do and just expand. And Live.
Thank your stars that you were blessed a life so special before you sleep and wake up and thank the universe for the beauty you have been witness to all these years.

Of course I'll die one day. Everyone will. We go back to dust and complete the circle of life. And I am not scared of it one bit. But while I'm here, I must live.
I must feel, I must love, I must excel, I must grow.

I must burn bright.

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