
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One Year and Forty Six Days later...

Wow! It's been over a year since I wrote last... And I actually do have so much to share, especially after Sunday night fiasco. But I have decided to hold off till the drug test results come out. I have a feeling that more drama will unfold then. Someone said that it may take a week to over a month to get the results... I'll be patient till then. On a completely different note, I have actually been practicing maintaining my own little journal for a couple of months. Somewhere I can save all my ideas... I've been trying to push myself, to think of a concept for an alternative career. And I actually did stumble upon something which excited me, and it takes ALOT for me to be excited with anything that is not film/music/dance related. It's just a little germ in my head that I am trying to cultivate into something more substantial. And will need all the input in the world to hone it. I know I haven't yet spelled out exactly what I am talking about, I will soon... Just not ready yet.

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