
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Work in Progress...

It's the broken ones.
Yep, it's the broken ones I like the most.

Not that ANYONE has their shit together to begin with.

But the damaged ones are the ones I attract.
And it's not because I have some weird "kink" towards finding messed up people attractive, no, I actually makes fun of damaged people.
Those are the people who make for awesome protagonists in films, those are the people who make for good anecdotes, those are the people who make the world go round. So yeah, I like damaged people because they are real, because there is yet hope that they become a better version of themselves, because they are vulnerable and raw, because THAT is what makes for interesting personalities.

What comes along with all the mess however, is a lot of heart burn tho.
Many friends, especially male friends, have told me that I have the urge to mother boys, to fix them... hence, the complicated ones find solace in my company.

I disagree. I feel I can help people un complicate their lives because I tend to have a clear way of viewing situations THAT ARE NOT TO DO WITH MY LIFE (obviously!)
But then, doesn't everyone have an opinion, some advice to give other people? Isn't that what people want? To find someone who can help them solve their problems?

Because isn't that what life is about... Solving problems.
Rising above years of emotional trauma that we insist on living through over and over again. Recognising the circle and breaking the patterns.

But in the process of helping people break their patterns, I have formed one myself!
And it seems like I've included myself in the 'Broken Ones' Club, without any difficulty.

Which is outlandish, because no one actually belongs in this club but me.


Who else is here?

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